Turfgrass under the pressure of intense traffic should be sustained at optimum vigour. Correct fertilisation of the turf is a key factor in that process. Research on sports turf fertilisation has been conducted in the programs of universities, government agencies and private institutes throughout the world. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the primary nutrient elements used in large quantities by plants. Sulfur and iron are secondary elements that sports turf managers often use in significant quantities. Nitrogen is a major ingredient of the plant. The deficiency is corrected by the application of nitrogen as a turf fertiliser. Soils provide the reservoir of nutrients required for turfgrass growth. Traditional soil testing uses chemical extractants to simulate the release of elements and their eventual availability to the plant. This type of traditional testing provides an estimate of the potential pool of nutrients that may become available to the plant. Plant analysis provides the most accurate estimate of the tissue's elemental content.