This chapter presents the scope of machinery and equipment is limited to units that are required in the maintenance of turfgrass on a regular basis. Operation and service manuals are the preferred reference source for detailed and specific information. Integrating the features of specialised equipment with turfgrass cultural requirements has been undertaken. The outcome is a practical discussion to assist in evaluating turfgrass cultural practices and the machinery and equipment available to perform particular tasks. Sport and recreation facilities include intensively managed turfgrass areas. A smooth, uniform turfgrass surface of high density is important for playability. Professional turfgrass managers are responsible for professional, amateur and recreational sports turf facilities. Competitiveness drives athletes and turfgrass managers alike in their pursuit of perfection. The human and physical resources available to the turfgrass manager directly influence turfgrass quality. The selection, operation and servicing of turfgrass equipment are integral requirements of successful turfgrass management.