Kaka .................. Anaiza Kawakibah ............. Anaiza Khalaf, AI bu .......... Dulaim

Muridh ................ Anaiza Musa, AI bu ............ Baqq_arah Musa, AI bu ............ Duia1m Musaib, AI. ............ Anaiza M usalikh .............. Anaiza Musalihah ............. Duiaim Mushahidah, AI ........ Aqaidat Mutarafah, AI. ......... Anaiza

Khalifah, AI bu ......... Dulaim Khalil, AI bu ........... Haiwat Khamis, AI bu .......... Dulaim Khamishat, AI .......... Anaiza Khammas, AI .......... Chitadah Khanfar, AI ............ Aqaidat Khanjar, AI ............ Baqqarah Khashtah, AI ........... Anaiza Khurushiyin ............ Dulaim Kulaib, AI bu .......... Dulaim

Luhaib ................ Dulaim

Madlij, AI bu ........... Dulaim Majawadah, AI ......... Aqaidat Mahal, AI bu ........... Dulaim Maish, AI bu .......... Baqqarah Malahimah, AI .......... Dulaim Malhud, AI. ............ Anaiza

Rad, AI ................ Duiaim Radhi, AI. ............. Chitadah Rahamah, AI bu ........ Aqaidat Raihan, Al bu .......... Dulaim Ramlah, Al bu .......... Dulaim Rudaini, AI bu ......... Dulaim Rus, AI. ............... Anaiza Ruwalla ............... Anaiza

Muhammad, Al ......... Aqaidat Muhammad al Dhiyab, Al

bu .................. Duiaim Muhammad ai Jasim, AI

Mujbil, Al bu .......... Duiaim Mukatharah, AI ........ Anaiza Mukhaiyat, AI .......... Anaiza Mulahimah, AI. ........ Dulaim

1007: Plate 29 1009: Plate 25 1010: Plate 8 1011: Plate 6 1012: Plate 20 1013: Plates 2, 3 1016: Plate 33 1017: Plate 15 1018: Plate 9 1019: Plate 13 1020: Plate 32 1021: Plate 11 1022: Plate 31 1023: Plate 11 1024: Plate 30 1025: Plate 22 1026: Plate 30 1027: Plate 24 1028: Plate 19 1030: Plate 27 1033: Plate 26 1034: Plate 13 1035: Plate 26 1036: Plate 27 1037: Plate 5 1039: Plate 5 1040: Plate 21 1041: Plate 15 1042: Plate 33 1044: Plate 7 1045: Plate 14 1046: Plate 12

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1571 Plates 40, 41 1572 Plate 38 1573 Plate 39 1575 Plate 39 1576 Plate 45 1577 Plate 43 1578 Plate 47 1579 Plate 47 1580 Plate 44 1581 Plate 44

1582 Plate 46 1583 Plate 43 1584 Plate 38 1585 Plate 45 1586 Plate 42 1587 Plate 42 1588 Plate 37 1589 Plate 37 1592 Plate 46

Abbas:o,20 Abuda:o,21 'Afaj: n, 20 Afshar: j, 21-22 Ahl AI Kut: p, 21 Ahmadawand: l, 21-22 'Ajib: o, 20 Ako: j, 19 AI Ajarja: l, 15 Alattab: o, 21 AI bu Abbas: I, 18 AI bu 'Ajil: I, 18-19 AI bu 'Amir: m, 19; n, 19 Al bu Atalla: o, 20-21 Al bu Badran: j-k, 17 AI bu Darraj: o, 21

'Amarat: n, 16; n, 18 Ambuqiya: m, 19 Aqaidat, j, 17; k-1, 15 Aqail,o,21 Aq'ra: o-n, 19 Artushi: i-j, 17-18 Asachrat: p, 21 Ashair al Saba: j, 18 Auramani: k, 21 'Awasid: n, 19 Ayyash: o, 19 Azairij: o, 21 Aznaur: j-i, 16 'Azza: I, 19 Azzubaid: n, 19

Al bu Dhiyab: m, 18 Babajani: k, 21; l, 20-21 AI bu Fahad: m, 18 Bahahitha: n-o, 20 AI bu Faraj: m, 20-21 Baiyat: I, 19 Al bu Ghuwainim: o, 20-21 Bajlan: l, 20 Al bu Hamad: j, 18 Balik: j, 19 AI bu Hamdan: k, 19 Balikian: j, 19 AI bu Hassan: o, 20 Bani Ard: o, 19-20 AI bu Husain: j, 18 Bani Hasan: n, 18-19 AI Buisa: m, 18 Bani Huchaim: o, 19-20 AI bu Jaiyash: o, 20 Bani Khaiqan: p, 21 AI bu Mahal: l, 16-17 Bani Kubais: m, 17 Al bu Muhammad: o, 22 Bani Lam: n, 21; n, 21-22 Al bu Nail: n-o, 19 Bani Rabia: n, 20-21 AI bu Nashi: o, 20 Bani Rabi'a: m, 20 Al bu Nimir: 1-m, 17-18 Bani Rikab: n-o, 20-21 AI bu Nisan: 1, 18-19 Bani Said: o, 21 AI bu Rudaini: 1-m, 16-17; m, 17-18 Bani Salama: o, 19 Al bu Sa'ad: o, 21 Bani Sali: o, 22 AI bu Sali: o, 21 Bani Tamim: m, 19; m, 20; m-1, 19 AI bu Sarai: k, 15 Bani Turuf: n, 19; o, 22 AI bu Sultan: n, 19 Bani Uqba: m, 20 Al Hasan: p, 21 Bani Wais: m, 20 AI Hatim: o, 20--21 Bani Zaid: o, 20; o, 21 AI Humaid: n-o, 21 Bani Zuraj: o, 20 Al Ibrahim: p-o, 21 Baqqara: j, 15; k, 15 Al ldhar: I, 15-16 Baradost: j, 19 Aliqan: i, 16 Barkat: o, 20 Al Ismail: p, 21 Barush: j, 18-19 Al Jabar: o, 20-21 Barwari Bala: i, 18 AI Jumai'an: p, 21 Barwari Jir: i-j, 18 AI Maiya: p, 22 Barwariya: i, 17 AI Majawada: I, 15 Barzan: i, 19 AI Manashra: o, 20 AI M . . 22 Baz: i, 18 unatsm: p, Begzadeh: i, 19 AI Muslib: o, 21 AI Sa'ad: p-o, 22 Belavar: I, 21-22 AI Saba': n, 15 Besheri: i, 16 AI Sali: o, 20 Bilbas: j, 19-20 AI Shatat: I, 15 Budair: o, 20 AI Sudan: o, 22 Budur: o, 20 AI Suwa'id: o, 22 Buhtui: I, 21-22 AI Tuiph: I, 15 Buzzun:1 o, 21

Chabsha: o, 19 Chahardauli: k, 22 Cha1: i, 18 Cha1daean: j, 18 Challabiyin: n, 20 Chechen: j, 15 Chichan: m, 19-20 Chingini: k, 20 Chitada: m, 18-19 Chunan: i, 15

Daaja Sa'adan: n, 20 Dachcha: o,20-21 Dainiya: m, 20 Dakhori: i, 15--16 Dakshuri: i, 16 Daiabha: n, 20 Darga1a: j, 19 Dashi: i, 15 Daudi: k-1, 19 Dawar: n, 20 Derevri: i, 16 Dershau: i, 16-17 Dhafir: p--q, 19-20-21 Dhawalim: o, 20 Dilfiya: m, 20 Dilo: k, 20; 1, 20 Dinavar: 1, 22 Dizai: k, 18-19 Doia Bila: j, 19 Do1a Goran: j, 19 Doia Mairi: j, 19 Doia Maja1: j, 19 Do1ka: j, 19 Doski: 1, 19 Du1aim: 1-m, 16-18 Duski: i, 17-18

Fad'an: n, 15 Faddagha: m, 19 Fartus: o, 20 Fat1a: n, 19; o, 19

Ga1baghi: k, 21 Garsan: i, 16-17; i, 17 Gaurak: j, 20 Gavadan: i-j, 17 Geravi: i, 18 Geshki: I, 21-22 Gezh: I, 19-20; I, 20. Ghazaiat: o, 19 Ghazzi: o, 20-21 Ghurair: m, 19 Girdi: i, 19; j, 18-19; j, 19 Goyan: i, 17-18 Guli: i, 17-18 Guran: I, 20-21; 1, 21

Hachcham: o-n, 21 Hairuni: i, 16-17 Haiwat: m, 18-19

Hajjan: j, 17 Hamad: m, 20; n, 19-20 Hamawand: k, 19-20 Hamza: n, 20 Haruti: j, 19 Hassanan: j, 17 Haverki: i, 16 Hawazin: q, 22 Herki: i, 19-20; j, 18 Humaidat: o, 19 Husainat: p, 21 Hwatim: n, 19

Ibrahim: o, 19 Isa: o, 21 Ismail Uzairi: k, 20

Jabbari: k, 19-20 Jaf: j, 21; k, 20; I, 20 Jaghaifa: I, 16-17 Ja1alawand: I, 21; m, 22 Jaliha:n, 19;o,20 Jannabiyin: m-n, 18-19 Jelian: i, 17 Jilu: i, 18-19 Jomani: i, 16 Jubur: j, 17; k, 18; 1-m, 19-20; m, 19;

n,19 Jubur (Khabur): k-j, 15--16 Juhaish: j, 17; n, 19-20 Jumaila: m, 18-19 Jumur: 1, 22 Juwaibir: o, 20 Juwarin: p, 21

Kafrushi Shinki: k, 20 Kakai: k, 19 Kakawand: I, 22 Ka1awand: I, 22 Ka1awi: j, 19 Ka1endalan: i, 15 Kalhiir: 1, 20-21; m, 20 Kamangar:1, 21-22 Karkhiya Bawiya: m, 19 Khafaja: n, 19; o, 19; o, 21 Khala Jan: i, 15 Khamisya: p, 21 Khazail: n-e, 19; o, 20 J{hazraj: m, 18-19 J{hizil: 1, 22 J{hudabanda1u: k, 22; 1, 22 Khurkhura: k, 21 Kichan: i, 17 Kolmetchma: i, 16 Kopa: j, 19 Kuliai: 1, 22 J{ushnao: j, 19

Ma'dan: m, 20 Mahalami: i, 16 Mahmedan: i, 18 Majawir: o, 19-20 Malawaha: j, 17 Mamkhoran: i, 18 Mamush: j, 20 Manda: j, 20 Mandumi: k, 22 Mangur Zudi Manda: j, 20 Mansur: o, 19 Mantik: k, 19 Marra Pizdher: j, 20 Masiid: n, 19 Mazi: i, 15 Merivani: k, 21 Metini: i, 15 Milli: i, 15; j, 15 Miran Begi: j, 18 Mirsinan: i, 15-16 Mizuri: i, 18-19; j, 18 Mu'alla: m, 20 Mu'amara: n, 19 Muamara: j, 17 Muhamda: m, 18 Muhsin: o, 20 Mujamma: m, 18; m, 19 Mujarra: p, 21 Mukhadhara:o,20 Mukri: j, 20-21 Muraiyan: o, 21-22 Mushahida: m, 19 Mutair: q, 21-22 Mutaiwid: j, 16 Muzaira: o-p, 22

Naida: m, 20 Najdat Dafafa: m, 19 Naodasht: j, 19 N ashwa or Khulut: p, 22 Nassun: o, 21 Nerva: i, 18 Non-tribal Kurd: j, 19 . Non-tribal Kurd and Arab: J, 18-19 Nuchiyan: i, 19

Ojagh: j, 20 Omarmi: 1, 20 Oramar: i, 18-19 Osmanawand: 1, 21; m, 22

Pairawand: 1, 22 Palani: 1, 20 Penjinara: i, 16 Pinianish: i, 18 Pirahasani: j, 19 Piran: j, 19 Pizdher: j, 20

Qarahalus: m, 20 Qarakhul: o, 21 Qara Papil.q: j, 20

Qarqariya: j, 17 Qubadi: 1, 21 Qulu: j, 18-19 Qurait: n, 19

Raikan: i, 18 Reshkotanli: i, 16 Rowandok: j, 19 Rudaini: m, 20 Rumm: j, 19 Rustambegi: 1, 21

Sada: m, 20; o, 20 Sadiq: o, 19 Sa'id: n, 20 Sakhwar: 1, 19-20 Sarchef: j, 21 Sargalu Sheikhs: k, 20 Shabbana:n, 19-20 Shaikhan: k, 20 Shammar Jarba: k-1, 17-18 Shammar Toqa: m-n, 19-20 Shaqarqi: j-i, 21-22 Sharabiyin: j, 15 Sharaf Biyani: 1-k, 20 Shasavan: j-i, 21-22 Shebek Christian: j, 18 Sheikh Bizaini: j, 18; k, 19 Sheikh Ismail: k, 22 Sheikhs of Quala' Sedka: k, 19-20 Shekak: i, 19 Sherikan: i, 15 Shernakh: i, 17 Shibil: o, 19 Shillana: j-k, 19-20 Shirwan: j, 19 Shovan: i, 17 Shu'aiba: o, 20 Shuan:k,19 Shuraifat: p, 21 Sihoi: i, 17 Silivani: i, 17 Sindi: i, 17 Sinjabi: l, 20; I, 21 Sinn: j, 19 Sirokhli: i, 16-17 Slopi: i, 17 Sor: i, 15 Sturki: i, 16 Sufran: o, 20 Sukuk: m, 19 Sulduz: i, 20 Surchi: j, 18-19 Surgichi: i, 15-16 Sursur: 1-k, 21-22

Tai: j, 16 Taiyan: i, 17 Talabani: k, 19; 1, 20 Tall 'Afaris: j, 17 Tanzi: i, 16-17 Tiari: i, 18

Tilehkuh: j, 21 Tkhuma: i, 18 Toba:o,20 Toqiya: o, 21 Tufail: n, 19 Turcoman Arab: j, 18

'Ubaid: l, 19 'Umairiyat: m, 20

Waladbegi: I, 20-21; l, 21

Yasar: n, 18-19 Yassar: n, 19 Yezidi: j, 16; j, 17-18

Zaiyad: o, 19; o, 20; o-n, 20 Zangana: l, 20; 1-k, 20 Zarari: j, 18-19 Zedik: i-j, 18-19 Zend: l, 20 Zibari: j, 18-19 Zudi: j, 20

Abad: p, 24 Abdul Khan: o, 23 Abdul Rezai: p, 27-28 Abulvardi: p, 27 Afshar: j, 23 Agha Jari: p, 24; p, 25 Airizaumari: o, 24 Aiyasham: o, 23 Alamdar: n, 24 Alaswand: o, 24 Al bu Hamdan: n, 23 Al Duhaim: o, 23 Ali Muradi: p, 27-28 Al Kathir: n, 23; o, 23 Al Khamis: o, 24 Al Ruwaiyan: o, 23 Alwanieh: o, 24 Amarlii: j, 24 Amla (Lur): n, 23 Anafijah: o, 23 Andakah: n, 24 Arab: n, 23 Aushar: p, 24

Baghdadi: k, 24; k, 25 Baharwand: n, 23 Bairanawand: m, 23 Bait Saad: o, 23 Bakhtiari: m, 24; n, 23; n, 24-25; o, 25 Bakish: p, 26 Bala Girieh: m, 23; n, 23 Bandari: p, 24 Bani Abdullahi: q, 28 Bani Khalid: o, 24 Bani Tamim: o, 23 Bani Turuf: o, 23 Barangird: o, 24 Baseri: p, 27-28: q, 27; q, 28 Bavi: p, 26 Bawasat: n, 24 Bawieh (Bavieh): p-o, 23; o, 24 Boir Ahmadi: p, 26; o, 26 Boiramides: n, 24 Bulawaso: o, 24 Burujird: n, 23

Chaab i Dubais: n, 23 Chab: p, 22-23 Chaman-i-Urga: n, 24 Charasi: p, 24 Chavari: 1, 22-23 Cheriim: p, 24-25 Chigini: m, 23; j, 24

Dinariini: n, 24 Dindarlii: q, 27-28 Dirakwand: n, 23

'Emadi: p, 28

Farsi: p, 28

Gandali: o, 24 Garrai: p, 27 Gashtil: p, 24 Gazistun: n, 24 Ghiasvand: j, 24 Ghuri: p, 27 Giiklan Turkomans: i, 30 Gundalis: n, 24 Gundalzu: o, 23-24 Gurgha: o, 24 Gurgi: p, 24

Haft Lang: n, 23 Haidari: p, 24 Hajjilu: k, 23 Hamaid: o, 23-24 Hannai: q, 28 Hardan: o, 23 Hawashim: o, 23

Inanlii: k, 24; k, 25; k, 26

Jaafarbai ak Atehbai: i, 29 Jabbareh Arab: p, 27 Ja'fari: p, 24 Jalilavand: j, 24 Janeki Sardsir: o, 25 Jani Khan Arab: p, 28 Jumur: k, 23

Kaid Rahmat: m, 23 Kakavand: j, 24 Karohi: o, 24 Khalkhal: i, 23 Khamseh: p, 27; p, 27-28; q, 27; q, 28;

q,29 Khazraj: o, 23 Khidr-i-Surkh: o, 24 Khudabandalu: k, 23; l, 23 Khusrui: q, 28 Khwajahvand: j, 25-26 Kurdbaiglii: i, 22-23 Kurd-u-Turk: j, 28 Kuruni: p, 27

Labu Haji: q, 27 Labu Muhammadi: p, 28 Laki: p, 25 Lakk (Lek): k, 22-23 Lashani: q, 28

Dailam: o, 23 Dalwand: m, 23 Darashur: q, 26 Darazi: p-q, 27 Lur: n, 23

Ma'afl: j, 25 Makawandi: o, 24 Mamassani: p, 26; q, 26; q, 27 Mir: n, 23 Mishwand: m, 23 Mizdaj: n, 25 Muhaisin: p-o, 23; p, 22-23 Mujazi: n, 24 Miimianwand: m, 23 Murad ali Wand: n, 23 Muris: n, 24 Mutur: p, 24

Naqd'Ali: p, 28 Nargasin: n, 24 Nasir: o, 24 Nidharat: p, 24 Niiyi Silai: o, 25-26

Papi: n, 23 Pir Islami: p, 28

Qajar: j, 29 Qalawand: n, 23 Qanawati: p, 24 Qaraguzlu: k-1, 23 Qashqai: o, 26; p, 26; p-o, 27; q, 25; q,

26; q, 27

Rashvand: j, 25 Rustam: p, 26

Sagwand: m, 23; n, 23 Saiyidali: o, 23 Saiyidan: o, 24 Sakhtsar: j, 25 Salamat: o, 23-24 Sha'abuni: p, 24 Shahsavan: k, 26 Shaikh Mamu: p, 24-25 Shaiwand: n, 24 Shatranlii: i, 23 Sheni: o, 24 Sherafah: o, 22-23 Shir Ali: p, 24 Shiri: p, 28 Shishbuliiki: p, 27 Shuraifat: p, 24 Silsileh: m, 23 Suluklu: p, 27 Surkha: n, 23

Tafarakha: o, 24 Talish: i, 23-24 Turkashawand: 1, 23 Tushmals: n, 24

Yamiit Turkomans: i, 29; i, 30

Zangina: o, 24 Zeloi: n, 24 Zirgan: o, 23

Abbass, Abdul-Majid, 12, 198 Abu Ghuraib Canal, description of, 18 Abu Kemal, 17; northern limit of culti-

vation of date palm at, 21; population of, 28; Sunnis in, 28

Agricultural products, 22-23 Akeydat, see Aqaidat Al Abaidat, 95 Al Ajarjah, 93 Al Ali, 94 Al Annas, 102 Al Azzah, 101 Al Barghuth, 101 Al bu Aliyat, 95 Al bu Alwan, 96 Al bu Badran, 95 Al bu Dhiyab, 96 Al bu Fahad, 97 Al bu Ghanim, 95 Al bu Haidah, 101 Al bu Hamad, 101 Al bu Hamdan, 95 Al bu Hardan, 93 Al bu Hardan (Section), 94 Al bu Hassan, 95 Al bu Isa, 97 Al bu Khalifah, 98 Al bu Khalil, 102 Al bu Maish, 96 Al bu Miri, 94 Al bu Mish, 96 Al bu M ufarraj, 102 Al bu Muhamdah, 98 Al bu Muhammad, venereal disease

among, 116 Al bu Musa, 96 Al bu Qaan, 95 Al bu Rahamah, 95 Al bu Rudaini, 99 Al bu Salman, 101 Al bu Sarai, 95 Al Dimim, 93 Al Dughaiyim, 102 Al Guraibawiyin, 102 Al Hamudi, 94 Al Harub, 101 Al Hassun, 94 Al Hulaiyil, 102 Al Humaid, 101 Ali Jaudat, 9 Al Isa, 94 Al Jadu, 95 Al Khammas, 101 Al Khanfar, 95 Al Khanjar, 95 Al Majawadah, 94 AI Marasimah, 94 Al Muhammad, 94 Al Mushahidah, 94

Al Nabbizah, 96 Al Nabit, 102 Al Nassar, 102 Al Qadrau, 94 Al Qumzan, 101 Al Quran, 95 Al Radhi, 101 Al Saadan, 34, 100 Al Sbaa, 93 Al Shaitat, 95 Al Shuait, 95 Al Subaikhan, 94 Al Sumail, 101 Al Taumah, 94 Al Thulth, 95 Al Zubar, 101 Amara, classification of land surface of,

106-107; flora of, 196; population of, in 1930, 108, in 1935, registered, 105, unregistered, 104

Amarat, habitat of, 27; relations with other tribes, 27, 34; tribal list of, 91

Amphibians, 24 Ana, 17; Jews in, 28; population of, 28,

in 1882, 28; Sunnis in, 28 Anaiza tribesmen (nineteen males meas-

ured),11,12,13,26,27,54-74 age of, 63, 70; groupings, 63 bigonial breadth of, 70 bizygomatic breadth of, 70; group-

ings, 70 blondism among, 64 body hair of, 64; compared to Arabs

of central Iraq, 64 camels of, 55; exports of, 55 cauterization among, 66 cephalic index of, 68, 70; groupings,

68; compared to Proto-Mediterranean mean, 68

demography of, 63 disease among, 66. See also Pathology ears of, measurements and indices of,

70 eyes of, 64; groupings, 64 eye slits of, 64 facial measurements and indices of,

68-69, 70; groupings, 68-69, 70, 74

facial types of, 73; ram-faced among, 73-74

fronto-parietal index of, 70 hair of, 64; groupings, 64 head breadth of, 67, 70; groupings, 67 head length of, 70 health of, 65 horses of, breeds of, 55 kohl used by, 66 lips of, 65

minimum frontal diameter of, 67, 70; groupings, 67, 69

morphological characters of, groupings, 63-66

musculature of, 65 nasal breadth and height of, 69, 70;

groupings, 69, 70 nasal index of, 69, 70; groupings, 69 nasal profile, 65; groupings, 65 nasal tip and wings of, 65; groupings,

65 Negroid element among, in nose of,

65, 69; in skin color of, 63 nomadism among, 54-55 origin of, 54 photographic analyses of, 70-71 provenance of, 62 racial position of, 71 raw data: measurements, indices, and

morphological characters of, 7273

sitting height of, 67, 70; groupings, 67, 69

statistical analyses of, groupings, 6670

stature of, 66, 70; groupings, 67 stock, see camels, horses tattooing among, 66 teeth of, 65; groupings, 65 trade of, geographical facilities for, 55 tribal feuds of, 55 tribal list of, 91-93 tribes and sub-tribes of, 56-61 vital statistics of, 62 zygo-frontal index of, 70 zygo-gonial index of, 70

Anthropometric data, abbreviations, list of, used for, 33; selection of, 32-33, 75, 122, 131

Apple trees, 22 Aqaidat, tribal list of, 93-95 Arabs, attitude toward disease, 110,

toward pain, 119, toward medical treatment, 117, 118-119;fourtypes of, 26-27; in Raqqa, 28; racial position of, 89-90; use of herbs by, 22

Anthropometric data: age, cephalic indices and head measurements on, from Baghdad, children, 126, female, 125, male, 123-124, from nineteen towns, 124-125, from six towns, female, 125-126, from three tribes, 126, from various tribes of Iraq, children, 126. See also Baghdad, individuals measured in Royal Hospital of

Armenians, 13 Artificial cranial deformation, absence

of, 115 Asellia murraiana, 157

Assyrians, 11, 13 Aziziya Canal, description of, 18

Bahan, flora of, 192 Badgers, 23, 160 Baghdad, Central School for Girls of,

151; classification of land surface of, 106-107; flora of, 194; health inspection at, 120; Iraq Museum in, 11; population of, in 1930, 108, in 1935, registered, 105, unregistered, 104; Royal College of Medicine in, 8, 9, 15, 118, 121

Anthropometric data: individuals measured in Royal Hospital of, 13, 131

Arabs, twenty-three male, 131 age of, 132, 139 bigonial breadth of, 139 bizygomatic breadth of, 139 blondism among, 133 brow-ridges of, 137 cauterization among, 135 cephalic index of, 137, 139; group-

ings, 137 demography of, 132 diseases of, 135. See also Pathology ears of, measurements and indices

of, 139 eyes of, 133; groupings, 133 facial measurements and indices of,

137, 139; groupings, 137-138 fronto-parietal index of, 139 hair of, 132-133; groupings, 132 head breadth of, 136, 139; group-

ings, 136 head form of, 136 head length of, 139 lips of, 135 minimum frontal diameter of, 136,

139; groupings, 137 morphological characters of, 132-

135 nasal breadth and height of, 138,

139; groupings, 138 nasal index of, 138, 139; groupings,

138 nasal profile of, 133; groupings, 134 nasal septum of, 133; groupings,

134 nasal tip and wings of, 133; group-

ings, 134 Negroid element among, in eyes of,

133, in lips of, 135, in nose of, 133, 138, in skin color of, 132

physical appearance of, 135 prognathism, alveolar, among, 134 provenance of, 131 raw data: measurements, indices

and morphological characters of, 141-142

sitting height of, 136, 139; groupings, 136

skin color of, 132 smallpox among, 135 statistical analyses of, 135-142 stature of, 135-136, 139; group-

ings, 136 tattooing among, 135 teeth of, 134; groupings, 134 zygo-frontal index of, 139 zygo-gonial index of, 139

males omitted from the statistical analyses, 138-140

bigonial breadth of, 140 bizygomatic breadth of, 140 cauterization among, 139-140 cephalic index of, 140 diseases of, 139-140. See also

Pathology ears of, measurements and indices

of, 140 eyes of, 139-140 facial form of, 139 facial measurements and indices

of, 140 fronto-parietal index of, 140 head breadth and length of, 140 head form of, 139-140 minimum frontal diameter of, 140 Mongoloid type among, 139 nasal breadth and height of, 140 nasal form of, 139-140 nasal index of, 140 provenance of, 138-139 raw data: measurements, indices

and morphological characters of, 141-142

sitting height of, 140 stature of, 140 teeth of, 139-140 zygo-frontal index of, 140 zygo-gonial index of, 140

Arabs, twenty female, 143 age of, 143, 150; groupings, 143 bigonial breadth of, 150 bilharziasis among, 147 bizygomatic breadth of, 150 blondism among, 144 cauterization among, 147 cephalic index of, 148, 150; group-

ings, 148 demography of, 143 diseases among, 146-147. See also

Pathology ears of, measurements and indices

of, 150 eyes of, 144; groupings, 144 facial measurements and indices of,

148-149, 150; groupings, 149 fronto-parietal index of, 150 gonorrhea among, 147 hair of, 144; groupings, 144 head breadth of, 148, 150; group-

ings, 148 head length of, 150

malars of, 146 minimum frontal diameter of, 148,

150; groupings, 148 morphological characters of twenty

Arab women, 144-147 nasal breadth and height of, 149,

150; groupings, 149 nasal index of, 149, 150; groupings,

149 nasal profile of, 145; groupings, 145 nasal septum of, 145; groupings,

145 nasal tip and wings of, 145; group-

ings, 145 Negroid blood among, 147 physical appearance of, 146-147 prognathism, alveolar, among, 146 provenance of, 143 raw data: measurements, indices

and morphological characters of, 153-155

sitting height of, 147, 150; groupings, 147

skin color of, 144 smallpox among, 147 statistical analyses of, groupings,

147-150 stature of, 147, 150; groupings, 147 tattooing of, 146, 147 teeth of, 145-146; groupings, 146;

notes on, 146 zygo-frontal index of, 150 zygo-gonial index of, 150

females omitted from the statistical analyses, 150-151

blondism among, 151 cauterization among, 151 diseases of, 150-151 eyes of, 150-151 head form of, 150-151 nasal septum, inclination of, 151 Negroid blood among, 150, 151 nose of, 150, 151 physical appearance and type of,

150-151 prognathism, alveolar, among, 150,

151 provenance of, 150 raw data: measurements, indices

and morphological characters of, 153-155

tattooing among, 151 teeth of, 150-151

females, including statistical and omitted series, 152

bigonial breadth of, 152 bizygomatic breadth of, 152 cephalic index of, 152 ears of, measurements and indices

of, 152 facial measurements and indices of,

152 fronto-parietal index of, 152

head breadth and length of, 152 minimum frontal diameter of, 152 nasal breadth and height of, 152 nasal index of, 152 raw data: measurements, indices

and morphological characters of, 153-155

sitting height of, 152 stature of, 152 zygo-frontal index of, 152 zygo-gonial index of, 152

girls of, eleven, 151-152 blondism among, 151 body hair of, 152 diseases of, 152. See also Pathology eyes of, 151 hair of, 152 lips of, 152 Negroid blood among, 152 nose of, 152 physiognomy of, 152 provenance of, 151 raw data: measurements, indices

and morphological characters of, 153-155

skin color of, 152 teeth of, 152

Ba'ij Beduins (35 individuals), 13, 86 age of, 86; compared to Iraq Soldiers,

76; to Kish Arabs, 76 beards among, 87 bigonial breadth of, 86; compared to

Iraq Soldiers, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

bizygomatic breadth of, 86; compared to Iraq Soldiers, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

body hair of, 87 cephalic index of, 86; compared to

Iraq Soldiers, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76; groupings, 86

chest development of, 89 ears of, measurements and indices of,

86; compared to Iraq Soldiers, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

eyes of, groupings, 88 facial index of, groupings, 86 facial measurements and indices of,

86; compared to Iraq Soldiers, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

fronto-parietal index of, 86; compared to Iraq Soldiers, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

hair of, groupings, 87 head breadth and length of, 86; com-

pared to Iraq Soldiers, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

head hair, 87 health of, 89 leg length of, 86; compared to Iraq

Soldiers, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76 minimum frontal diameter of, 86;

to Kish Arabs, 76 morphological characters of, group-

ings, 87-89 musculature of, 89 nasal breadth and height of, 86; com-

pared to Iraq Soldiers, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

nasal index of, 86; compared to Iraq Soldiers, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76; groupings, 86

nasal profile of, groupings, 88 nasal tip and wings of, groupings, 88 sitting height of, 86; compared to

Iraq Soldiers, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

statistical analyses of, groupings, 86 stature of, 86; compared to Iraq

Soldiers, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76; groupings, 86

tattooing among, 89 teeth of, groupings, 88 vital statistics of, 87 zygo-frontal index of, 86; compared

to Iraq Soldiers, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

zygo-gonial index of, 86; compared to Iraq Soldiers, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

Baiji, flora from north of, 193 Baiqat, 101 Bait Dariah, 101 Bait Hajji Isa, 101 Bait Mathluthah, 101 Bani Kubais, 101 Bani Zaid, 34; tribal list of, 100 Baqqarah, 95-96 Barley, 22 Basra, classification of land surface of,

106-107; population of, in 1930, 108, in 1935, registered, 105, unregistered, 104

Beans, 22 Beduins, 23, 26, 31, 55; age, cephalic

indices and head measurements of, from Mosul Liwa, 127, see also Ba'ij Beduins; use of herbs by, 22, 25

Belikh River, 18 Birds, 23-24 Bitumen, 28; cholera epidemic averted

by, 30; uses of, 24 Bitumen wells, mention by Herodotus

of, 30 Boars, 23, 161 Bornmtiller, Joseph, 165 Boundaries, 17 Brady, Ethel, 10 Breasted, James H., 9 Brinjals, 22 British Museum, 15 British Oil Development Company, 156 British Royal Air Force Headquarters, 30 Browne, W. E., 27

Burnett, John, 9 Buxton, L. H. Dudley, 7, 8, 81, 82

Camels, 23; oil used as remedy for, 24; use of, for irrigation, 22, 23

Canis aureus, 159 Canis pallipes, 159 Capra blythi, 162 Chaldeans, 13 Cheetahs, 23 Chitadah, 34; tribal list of, 101 Christians, 26; age, cephalic indices and

head measurements of, from Baghdad, males, 128, females, 129, from Mosul, males, 128, females, 129, from Tabriz, 130, from Tell Kaif, 128, from Urmia, 130, see also Turks; in Deir-ez-Zor, 28

Circassians in Raqqa, 28 Clawson, M. Don, 9 Clemow, F. G., 120 Climate, 20-22 Coon, Carleton S., 10 Cornwallis, Kinahan, 9 Cotton, 22 Cranial deformation, see Artificial cra-

nial deformation Cucumbers, 22

Date palm, 22, 28, 30; limit of cultivation of, 21

Deir-ez-Zor, Arabs in, 28; Jews in, 28; population of, in 1882, 28; Syrian Catholics in, 28

Dekker, J. H., 156 Dinka, Phi!ippus, 156 Diwaniya, Ad, classification of land

surface of, 106-107; population of, in 1930, 108, in 1935, registered, 105, unregistered, 104

Diyala, classification of land surface of, 106-107; population of, in 1930, 108, in 1935, registered, 105, unregistered, 104

Dowson, Ernest, 15, 103, 106 Dowson, V. H. W., 22 Drower, E. S., 156 Dulaim, classification of land surface

of, 106-107; population of, in 1930, 108, in 1935, registered, 105, unregistered, 104

Anthropometric data (137 males measured): 13, 26, 27, 33-54

age of, 34-35, 43; groupings, 35 baldness among, 35 bigonial breadth of, 43 bizygomatic breadth of, 43; group-

ings,43 blindness among, 37 blondism among, 36, 37 blood samples of, 38 body hair of, 35 cauterization among, 39

cephalic index of, 40-41, 43; groupings, 41

disease among, 38. See also Pathology

ears of, measurements and indices of, 43

eyes of, 36-37; groupings, 36 eye slits of, 36 facial measurements and indices of,

41, 43; groupings, 41, 43 facial types of, 73; ram-faced

among, 73 fronto-parietal index of, 43 hair of, 35; groupings, 36 head breadth of, 40, 43; groupings,

40 head length of, 43 health of, 38 henna used by, 39 kohl used by, 39 lips of, 37 minimum frontal diameter of, 40,

43; groupings, 40, 43 morphological characters of, group-

ings, 35--39 musculature of, 38 nasal breadth and height of, 42, 43;

groupings, 42, 43 nasal index of, 42, 43; groupings,

42 nasal profile of, 37; groupings, 37 nasal tip and wings of, 37 Negroid element among, in hair of,

35; in nose of, 37, 42; in skin color of, 35

nomadism among, 33-34; in eastern Shamiya, 33, 34; in Jazira, 33, 34

origin of, 33 photographic analyses of, 44 racial position of, 44-45; compared

to Beduin, 45; to settled Arab, 45

raw data: measurements, indices and morphological characters of, 46--54

religious affiliations of, 33 sitting height of, 40, 43; groupings,

40, 42 skin color of, 35; compared to the

Kish Arab, 35; to the southern European, 35; to the Arab in the area from the "Fertile Crescent" to Morocco, 35

statistical analysis of, groupings, 39-54

stature of, 39, 43; groupings, 39 tattooing among, 39 teeth of, 37-38; groupings, 37 tribal list of, 96-100 tribal relations of, 34 zygo-frontal index of, 43 zygo-gonial index of, 43

Dulaim Qartan, 34; tribal list of, 102 Dunkley, G. W., 9

Eastwood, Austin, 156 Edmonds, C. J., 15, 103 Education, increasing facilities for, 31 Epidemics, danger of, 31 Eptesicus hingstoni, 158 Eptesicus walli, 159 Erbil, classification of land surface of,

106-107; population of, in 1930, 108, in 1935, registered, 105, unregistered, 104

Euphrates River, canals adjoining, 18, changing channels of, 20; course of, 17; flood seasons of, 18, 20; tributaries of, 18, 22

Fadan, 27, 54; tribal list of, 92 Faddaghah, 34; tribal list of, 102 Fahad Beg, 27 Faiyadah, tribal list of, 102 Fallahin, 25 Falluja, AI, 17, buildings of, 30; land

of, under cultivation, 30; location of, 30; population of, 30

Fallujiyin, 102 Farraj Allah, see Shaddid Fauna, 23-24, 156-162 Felis chaus, 159 Field, Marshall, 8 Field Museum Anthropological Expedi-

tion to the Near East, 8, 9, 156,163, 165

Field Museum-Oxford University Joint Expedition to Kish, Iraq, 7, 15, 81, 110, 111

Flint implements, 28 Foxes, 23, 159 Frankfort, Henri, 9 Frayha, Anis, 12 Frazer, James, 113 Fruit trees, 22, 28

Gazella, 23, 162 Gerhard, Peter, 11, 12 Ghazi ibn Faisal, 8, 9 Gossypium, 166 Grazing, 23 Grice, C. R., 9 Guest, Evan, 165 Gufas, manufacture of, 24 Gypsies, 13

Habbaniya Lake, 11, 30; environs of, 29 Haditha, flora of, 193 Hail, 20 Haiwat, 34; tribal list of, 102 Hamad, 54-55 Harrison, Paul W., 116, 117 Harvard University, Institute of Geo-

graphical Exploration of, 11; Laboratory of Anthropology of, 75; Pea-

body Museum of, see Peabody Museum; Widener Library of, 11

Hasanah, 27, 54 Health, 31 Hemiechinus auritus, 157 Hemiptera, 24 Herodotus, 30 Herpestes perBicus, 159 Hilla, classification of land surface of,

106-107; population of, in 1930, 108, in 1935, registered, 105, unregistered, 104

Hill, Arthur, 165 History, 24-26 Hitawiyin, 34; tribal list of, 102 Hit, bitumen wells at, 24, 28, 30;

Holt, A. L., 24 Hooper, David, 118 Hooton, E. A., 8, 10, 32, 75 Hordeum, 166 Horwood, A. R., 165 Hudson, E. H., 116 Humidity, relative, 20 Hyaena hyaena, 23, 160 Hydar, Rustam, 166 Hyena, 23

Ibn Rashid, 28 Idhar, AI, 93 Insects, 24, 163-164 Iraq, area of, 103, in 1920, 103; census,

agricultural, need for, in, 107-108; communications with, 19; cultivable land of, 103, in Irrigation Zone, 103, 106, in Rainfall Zone, 103, 106-107; density of population of, 103; development of Public Welfare of, 120-121; economic and commercial conditions in, 24; geographical position of, 14; hospitals in, 121; nomadism restricted in, 11; population of, in 1919, 103

Iraq Petroleum Company, 9, 24, 27, 34, 55, 121, 139, 156; health conditions improved by, 121

bizygomatic breadth of, 83; compared to Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

chest development of, 85 diseases among, 85. See also Pathol-

ogy ear measurements and indices of, 83;

eyes of, groupings, 85 facial index of, 83; compared to

Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76; groupings, 83

fronto-parietal index of, 83; compared to Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

hair of, groupings, 84 head breadth of, 83; compared to

Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

health of, 85 leg length of, 83; compared to Ba'ij

Beduins, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76 minimum frontal diameter of, 83;

musculature of, 85 nasal alae of, groupings, 84 nasal breadth and height of, 83; com-

pared to Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

nasal index of, 83; compared to Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76; groupings, 84

nasal profile of, groupings, 84 sitting height of, 83; compared to

Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

stature of, 83; compared to Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76; groupings, 83

tattooing among, 86 teeth of, groupings, 85 vital statistics of, 84 zygo-frontal index of, 83; compared

to Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

zygo-gonial index of, 83; compared to Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Kish Arabs, 76

Irrigation, methods of, 22-23

Jackal, 23 J aculus Lojtusi, 161 Jaladiya, limestone quarry at, 24 Jamali, M. F., 31 Jazira, Al, 17

Jebel Baradost, flora of, 194 Jebel Baykhair, flora of, 192 Jebel Enaze, Paleolithic implements

found on, 28; source of Wadi Hauran on, 28

Jebel Golat, flora of, 190 Jebel Khatchra, flora of, 190 Jebel Pikasar, flora of, 193 Jemdet Nasr, 7, 111, 116; excavations

Jerwona, flora of, 192 Jews, 13, 26; age, cephalic indices and

head measurements of, from Baghdad, female, 129, male, 129, from Erbil, 129, from Kirkuk, 129; at Ana, 28; at Deir-ez-Zor, 28; at Hit, 30

Jumailah, 97

Karbala, classification of land surface of, 106-107; population of, in 1930, 108, in 1935, registered, 105, unregistered, 104

Keith, Arthur, 8, 11, 32, 89-90 Kennedy, Walter P., 8, 9, 156 Kew Herbarium, 165 Khabur River, 11, 18 Khalaf, Jassim, 12, 198 Khurushiyin, 34; tribal list of, 100 Kirkuk, classification of land surface of,

106-107; population of, in 1930, 108, in 1935, registered, 105, unregistered, 104

Kish Arabs (359 individuals measured), 13, 76

animals, domesticated, affection for, 119; wild, cruelty to, 119

attitude toward medical treatment of, 118-119

beards among, 78 bigonial breadth of, 76; compared to

Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Iraq Soldiers, 76

bizygomatic breadth of, 76; compared to Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Iraq Soldiers, 76

blindness among, 81 body hair among, 78 brow-ridges of, 78 cephalic index of, 76; compared to

Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Iraq Soldiers, 76; groupings, 77

chest development of, 80 constitution of, 119, 120 Darwin's point among, 81

dental condition of, 113-114 diet of, 115 diseases among, 81. See also Pathology ears of, helix of, 81; lobe of, 81;

measurements and indices of, 76; compared to Ba'ij Beduins, 76, to Iraq Soldiers, 76

eyebrows of, 79 eyes of, groupings, 79 facial hair of, 78 facial measurements and indices of,

76; compared to Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Iraq Soldiers, 76; groupings, 77

fatalism of, 110 fronto-parietal index of, 76; compared

to Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Iraq Soldiers, 76

glabella of, 78 hair of, groupings, 78 head breadth and length of, 76;

health of, 81, 110-121 henna, use of, 81 insensitivity to pain of, 119 leg length of, 76; compared to Ba'ij

Beduins, 76; to Iraq Soldiers, 76 lips of, 79 malars of, 78 minimum frontal diameter of, 76;

compared to Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Iraq Soldiers, 76

morphological characters of, 77-80 musculature of, 80 nasal breadth and height of, 76; com-

nasal bridge of, 79 nasal index of, 76; compared to

Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Iraq Soldiers, 76; groupings, 77

nasal profile of, 80 nasal septum of, 79 nasal tip and wings of, 80 prognathism, alveolar, among, 78;

facial, 78 remedies used by, 118 scapulae of, 80 sitting height of, 76; compared to

Ba 'ij Beduins, 76; to Iraq Soldiers, 76

skin color of, 77 stature of, 76; compared to Ba'ij

Beduins, 76; to Iraq Soldiers, 76; groupings, 77

tattooing among, 81 teeth of, groupings, 80 ventral disorders of, cause of, 115 vital statistics of, 77 zygo-frontal index of, 76; compared

to Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Iraq Soldiers, 76

zygo-gonial index of, 76; compared to Ba'ij Beduins, 76; to Iraq Soldiers, 76

Kish Workmen (100 individuals measured), 13, 81-82

bigonial breadth of, 82 bizygomatic breadth of, 82 cephalic index of, 82 eyes of, groupings, 82 facial measurements and indices of, 82 fronto-parietal index of, 82 hair of, groupings, 82 head breadth and length of, 82 minimum frontal diameter of, 82 nasal breadth and height of, 82 nasal index of, 82 stature of, 82 zygo-frontal index of, 82 zygo-gonial index of, 82

Knabenshue, Paul S., 8 Kubaisa, population of, 28; Sunnis in, 28 Kurds, 13; age, cephalic indices and

head measurements of, from Ali Sharwan, 130, from Erbil, female, 127, male, 127, from Hussain Kuli Khan, 130, from Kermanshah, 130, from Khanaqin, 127, from Kirkuk, female, 127, male, 127, from Mosul, 127, from Pestako, 130, from Sulaimaniya, 127, from Tabriz, female, 130, male, 130, from Tehran, 130, from Waly, 130

Kut, classification of land surface of, 106-107; population of, in 1930, 108, in 1935, registered, 105, unregistered, 104

Langdon, Stephen, 7 Lathrop, Barbour, 7 Laufer, Berthold, 8 Lazar, Yusuf, 8, 9, 15, 16, 156, 163, 164,

165 Lepidoptera, 164 Lepus connori, 161 Lime, 24 Limestone quarries, 24 Liponycteris magnus, 157 Londonderry, Lord, 9 Luhaib, 34; tribal list of, 100 Lutra lutra, 160

Maize, 22 Majawadah, AI, 94 Malak, Gabriel, 9 Malaria, prophylaxis against, 111 Manufacturing, 24 Marsh Arabs, 13 Martes foiana, 160 Martin, Paul S., 10 Martin, Richard A., 8, 9, 11, 12, 156 Mash, 22 McLeod, T. H., 9 Mediterranean Race, 16

Meles meles, 160 Melons, 22 Mellivora wilsoni, 160 Midhat Pasha, 25 Mihran, H., 9 Mineral resources, 24 Mosul, classification of land surface of,

106-107; population of, in 1930, 108, in 1935, registered, 105, unregistered, 104

Muhallaf, 27; tribal list of, 92 Mulberry trees, 22 Muntafiq, classification of land surface

of, 106-107; population of, in 1930, 108, in 1935, registered, 105, unregistered, 104

Murray, Wallace, 8 Myotis omari, 157

Nafatha, oil from, 24 Nasiriya, An, 13 Natural History Museum, Stockholm,

herbarium specimens in, 165 Negroids, 30 Nesokia buxtoni, 161 New York Public Library, 11 Nimr, AI bu, 98 N oria, 22-23 Nuri ibn Shalan, 27, 28, 54 Nychiodes(?) divergaria, 163

Oil, 24 Omar Pasha, 25 Onions, 22 Oppenheim, Max Freiherr von, 11 Oriental Institute, see University of

Chicago Orthoptera, 24

Pahlavi, Riza Shah, see Riza Shah Pahlavi

Paleolithic flint implements, 28 Pathology, attitudes toward, see Arabs,

attitude toward disease, etc., treatment of disease

abdomen, distention of, 147 acromegaly, 119 amputation, 117 arthritis, rheumatoid, 117 ataxia, locomotor, 116 "Baghdad boil," 81, 85, 114, 146, 151,

152 bejel, 116 bilharziasis, 147 blood-letting, 118 chicken pox, 37, 38, 81, 85 cholera, 30, 31, 115, 120-121 constitution, 38, 119-120 deformation, of the arm, 115; of the

ear, 113; of the hands, 115; of the lips, 115

dental condition, 37, 38, 113-114; groupings, 37, 65, 80

broken teeth, 38, 114, 134, 146 caries, groupings of, 80, 85, 88, 113 deposit, 134, 139, 140, 146, 150, 151 fillings, 38 loss, 37, 134, 150, 151; groupings,

37, 80, 85, 88, 134, 146; attitude toward, 113

stain, 114, 134, 139, 146; groupings, 114

wear, 80,88 diarrhea, 116 endocrine glands, 119 eyes, 31, 112-113

arcus senilis, 133, 144 blindness, 66, 135, 140, 150; group-

ings, 81 cataract, 38, 81, 85 conjunctivitis, follicular, 112; gran-

ular, 112 crossed, 37 defective vision, 37, 66, 150 filmed, 135, 144, 150 trachoma, 81, 112

favus, 135 fractures, 118, 151 gallstones, 116 goiter, 146 hairless, 38 headache, 81, 85, 113 hemorrhage, 117 hemostasis, 117 influenza, 115 jaundice, 116 malaria, 81, 85, 110-112, 135 metabolism, unbalanced, 119 miscarriage, 151 nasal affections, 115 obesity, 119 paralysis, hand, 139 paresis, 116 plague, 120; bubonic, 31 pleurisy, 117 ringworm, 66 respiratory, 66, 115. See influenza,

pleurisy, tuberculosis scalp infections, 81, 85; scurf, 139.