With September, the gourmet's fancy gaily turns to thoughts of partridges. To roast a partridge may seem a sadly simple device when so many more ingenious schemes are at your disposal. A little flour, judiciously sprinkled, will add richness to the nut-brown colour the susceptible birds develop in the roasting. Now they are ready to serve, remember that "partridges should have gravy in the dish, and bread-sauce in a cup". In this variety the partridges are boiled, covered with rich gravy and plentifully adorned with green peppers. Set all a-boyling with a pretty deal of Sugar but take heed that it doth not burn too, and when we would serve away your Partridge, put them into a Dish, and our Sauce under them, and garnish your Dish with Sweetmeats and Sugar-plumbs. Take a partridge and rost it, then put it into a Pot; this done, take white Bread and scortch or toste it very brown.