Few philosophers, social theorists or religious thinkers have had the good fortune to experiment with their ideas and ideals in real life. Mu‘ammar al-Qadhdhafi’s Green Book, unlike The Republic, is not the blueprint of a Utopian society waiting to be put into effect, but rather is itself the product of a revolution which has radically transformed Libyan society. Education in Libya before the revolution was traditional. It was, moreover, limited mainly to the religious sciences. In Libya, as in many other countries of the Muslim world, this narrow approach to education has been an obstacle to modernization and progress. During the Italian occupation, secular education was restricted to the primary grades for Libyans, where Italian was the sole medium of instruction. The communist and capitalist systems have a regular army and a police force, which are used in the capitalist system to protect the interests of rich capitalists, and in the Marxist system to protect the ruling party.