II. Even if he commit a sinful deed by his body, or in word or in thought, he is incapable of concealing it, (for) to conceal is' said to be impossible for one that has seen the state (of Nibb~na). This exceUent jewel (is found) in the Assembly, by this truth may there be salvation. (231)

12. As in a clump of trees with their tops ill bloom in the first heat of the hot month, so (Buddha) taught the excellent Dhamma leading to Nibb~na to the greatest benefit (for all). This excellent jewel (is found) in Buddha, by this truth may there be salvation. (232)

I 3. The excellent one who knows what is excellent, who gives what is excellent, and who brings what is excellent, th.! incomparable one taught the excellent Dhamma. This excellent jewel (is found) in Buddha, by this truth may there be salvation. (233)

14. The old is destroyed, the new has not arisen, those whose minds are disgusted with a future existence, the wise who have destroyed their seeds (of existence, and) whose desires do not increase, go out like this lamp. This excellent jewel (is found) in the Assembly, by this truth may there be salvation. (234)'

15. Whatever spirits have come together here, either belonging to the earth or living in the air, let us worship the perfect (tath~gata) Buddha, revered by gods and men; may there be salvation. (235)

16. Whatever spirits have come together here, either belonging to the earth or living in the air, let us worship the perfect (tathagata) Dhamma, revered by gods and men; may there be salvation. (236)