A significant part in the development of philosophic culture in nineteenth-century Russia was played by the higher schools, both theological and secular, in which philosophy was taught. Moscow University was the first higher school of a secular type; there was also a 'Collegium' in Kharkov, which was made into a university in the early nineteenth century. During the eighteenth century differed very little from the Theological Academy. The eighteenth century was, of course, only the prologue to the development of philosophy in Russia. Manifestations of mysticism in Russian society at the beginning of the nineteenth century. There were many of them at this time, it is important to consider only two mystics, Labzin and Speranski. The mysticism of Labzin and Speranski exhibits more clearly than other Russian mystical tendencies of the time the connection of mystical searchings with the general spiritual crisis which followed the entry of Russian thought upon a path of free, that is extra-ecclesiastical, theorizing.