The chapters in this volume present the extensive literature on explanatory style. Topics have ranged from predicting performance in college swimmers (chapter 10) to death from coronary heart disease (chapter 13). From subtypes of depression (chapter 7) to victory in presidential elections (chapter 11). The field of explanatory style clearly spans a huge segment of personal and social experience. The field is also expanding in many different directions and the future is filled with promise. Perhaps the most exciting aspect of current research is the programs designed to alter explanatory style and so prevent some of the problems that pessimistic explanatory style brings in its wake. The implications of this work are far reaching: the prevention of depression, anxiety, ill health, and the establishment of psychological well-being and the ability to achieve and persevere. Before discussing this recent work, we review some of the major topics of this volume and clarify some of the questions we believe remain unanswered.