This chapter presents the behaviour of reflexives and reciprocals, which are commonly known as anaphors. Conditions on anaphors and pronouns are defined in terms of argument structure (ARG-ST)lists. An anaphor must be co indexed with a less oblique member of the same ARG-ST list if there is one. The chapter looks at the interpretation of ordinary non-reflexive pronouns, known as pronominals within Principles and Parameters (P&P), and non-pronominal noun phrase's (NP), known as R-expressions within P&P. A nonpronominal NP must not be coindexed with a less oblique member of the same ARG-ST list or with a less oblique member of the same ARG-ST list as some constituent which contains it. The chapter elaborates both the pronominals at the P&P account of the phenomena and at the Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) account. In both frameworks, three related conditions are assumed and are referred to as binding theory.