This chapter presents four conferences that have been selected to illustrate some of the main issues and processes involved in multilateral negotiation introduced. The case studies address two aspects of multilateral negotiations: questions of authority and influence using concepts such as stakeholders, substitution interests and agenda-setting; and, second, various aspects of the dynamic of the negotiation process. The chapter takes three examples to illustrate issues relating to the implementation of environmental conventions. The first case, a maritime example the Selandang Ayu is used to show a variety of implementation issues relating to flag-of-convenience shipping and international safety and environmental conventions. The second case is that Paris MOU is used to show the takeover of an intergovernmental institution (Paris MOU) by the European Commission. The third case is that the Chad Cameroon petroleum development project is used to illustrate the problem of an international institution only applying governance and other conditionality to the state of petroleum origin and not the transit state.