This chapter discusses Report of Rechberg to Franz Joseph, May 1864. The Austrian Foreign Minister reflects on Austria, Prussia and customs union matters. First, so far as relations abroad, that is with the governments of the Zollverein states, are concerned, Prussia, in spite of her political relations with Austria, which are friendly, has deliberately continued to proceed in such a way as to make it impossible for the Imperial Government ever to realize the Customs Union, which by the treaty of February 1853 was set as Austrias and Prussias common aim. Unfortunately, the present Austrian draft tariff appears, to most of the governments friendly to us, still insufficient in its lowering of duties and approach to the system of the Franco-Prussian commercial treaty. These governments desire a further considerable reduction of duties to make it possible for them and for us to prove to Prussia that no economic barrier lies in the way of a German-Austrian Customs Union.