Very few children of primary school age have taken alcohol, smoked or taken drugs (Drugs Education Forum (DEF) 2012, Chamberlain et al. 2010). The latest government survey conducted in 2010 with 7,296 11-15 year-old pupils recorded the number as taking substances as follows:

Substance abuse education, in the primary school context, normally focuses on three main health related issues, anti-smoking, alcohol misuse and drugs education, though it can also address issues such as solvent inhalation and any locally practised substance abuse (DfEE 1999). The local environment and community issues in this aspect of health, which are experienced by children in their daily lives, are relevant here in determining the most relevant curriculum. Substance abuse education also includes self-esteem raising, resisting peer pressure and safety strategies when offered drugs, cigarettes or alcohol (Ofsted 2011, DfEE 1999).