This chapter helps students gain an understanding of how to create medium-term and short-term plans that encourage Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) in Religious Education (RE). Long-term (LTP) is the largest of the planning formats and is a broad overview of what a child should learn within a full year or within a Key Stage; the National Curriculum and the Non Statutory Framework for RE are some of the long-term plans. Medium-term (MTP) is the next stage and fits into the long-term plan. Short-term (STP) is the smallest, but the most detailed and specific plan. To develop PLTS, students need to think creatively about differentiation and that means dividing their class into groups that suit the activity that has been planned and support the children's learning in RE. A Roman Catholic (RC) school, however, has more hours dedicated to RE and has published schemes of work that RC schools are encouraged to follow.