The date of the first performance of the play "The Rival Ladies" is unknown, but it was probably late in 1663 or early in 1664, as the play appears to have been written in response to the success of Sir Samuel Tuke's "The Adventures of Five Hours". For this dating, inferred from the normal interval between premiere and publication, see Milhous and Hume 380. The Rival Ladies: a tragicomedy was published by Herringman in 1664, reprinted 1669, 1675, 1693. The play was dedicated to Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery. It was staged by the King's Company at the Theatre Royal, Bridges Street, and was seen by Pepys on 4 August 1664, a very innocent and most pretty witty play. In this the use of elaborate costumes is documented chiefly for the Duke's company.