The play was drafted in summer 1677 and first performed on 11 March 1678 at Dorset Garden, the first of D'. s plays to be staged by the Duke's Company. It was stopped after three performances, for reasons which remain obscure, but probably because its satire of contemporary sexual mores was thought to reflect on some prominent public figure. The Kind Keeper; or, Mr. Limberham: A Comedy was published by Bentley and Magnes in 1680; reprinted 1690. It was dedicated to John, Lord Vaughan. True wit has seen its best days long ago, it ne'er looked up since we were dipped in show, when sense in doggerel rhymes and clouds was lost, and dullness flourished at the actors' cost. By a dismal cypress lying, Damon cried, all pale and dying, Kind is death that ends my pain, but cruel she loved in vain.