Ovid's Epistles, Translated by Several Hands was published by Jacob Tonson in 1680; reprinted 1681, 1683, 1688, and 1693. The statements on translation form D'. s first discussion of a subject to which he returned frequently, and his division of translation into three kinds proved influential, even though his own practice as a translator tended to mix the three modes. For his later views see 'Preface to Sylvae'. Bottkol was the first scholar to establish D'. s working methods as a translator from Latin sources. D. worked from the edition of Ovid by Borchard Cnipping, and probably also that by Heinsius, whose notes are often quoted by Cnipping. Suetonius reports that Augustus called Horace purissimum penem. The wife of Tiberius Claudius Nero, who divorced her in 39 BC so that she could marry Octavian; Drusus, her son by her first husband, was born around the time of her remarriage.