After 1834, Mazzini had devoted his attentions to the concept of 'Young Europe'. The years 1834-7 had been unhappy ones for him years when he had to remain in hiding from Swiss cantonal governments, and when he had to a great extent lost touch with the cells of 'Young Italy'. Nicola Fabrizi suggested to Mazzini that 'Young Italy' should consider itself responsible for upholding and passing on the doctrine of Italian republican-nationalism, but that the 'Italian Legion' should now accept responsibility for militant activity. After 1843, a last attempt by two young Mazzinians from Venice, Attilio and Emilio Bandiera was to seize the imagination of Italians, and to form another heroic theme in the mythology of the Risorgimento. Cavour's ability in parliament was quickly recognized. Massimo d'Azeglio, as prime minister, in October 1850 appointed Cavour minister of agriculture, commerce and the navy, and in 1851 the yet more important ministry of finance was added to the list.