Relations between the three independent kingdoms of Lothar, Louis the German and Charles the Bald were dominated by Lothar's attempts to secure his position in the middle kingdom, prevent his brothers from allying themselves against him, and to assert his superiority over them. Charles the Bald's position was more precarious than that of his brothers after Verdun. Louis the German and Charles the Bald, temporarily reconciled on Lothar's death, soon renewed their quarrel; Lothar II in his turn renewed his father's alliance with Charles and Louis the German turned to the Emperor Louis II. Politically and ecclesiastically Louis the German was closely involved in Slav affairs, and continued his father's policy of interfering in Slav internal politics in order to establish Frankish overlordship. In relation to the nobles therefore, Charles the Bald's power and royal authority were seriously weakened. Charles the Bald's patronage was in fact exercised very cannily.