THE FALL OF THE ‘FIRST’ CSP The journee of 2 June brought Robespierre’s party to power but he did no t himself enter the CSP for another two months. The delay was because Robespierre could not serve in an adminis­ tration headed by Danton and committed to peace at hom e and abroad. O n 6 June Robespierre’s intervention in the Con­ vention caused the shelving of a series of recom m endations, in the name of the CSP. The first was that the Convention should have the right to requisition arm ed force. On 2 June the Con­ vention had tried and failed to requisition arm ed force and it was unclear w hether it was legal/legitim ate for parliam ent to resist the ‘sovereign people’. Barere also asked that H anriot should be replaced as com m ander of the National Guard and that an equal num ber of deputies to the arrested Girondins should be sent to their departements as hostages (9, 544-47).1