If these things evince any real desire to do away with the evil, I cannot discover it. There are many who inherit the misfortune of slavery, and would gladly renounce the miserable birthright if they could; for their sakes, I wish the majority were guided by a better spirit and a wiser policy. But this state of things cannot last. The operations of Divine Providence are hastening the crisis, and move which way we will, it must come in some form or other; if we take warning in time it may come as a blessing. The spirit of philanthropy, which Mr. Hayne calls ‘false,’ is walking to and fro in the earth; and it will not pause, or turn back, till it has fastened the golden band of love and peace around a sinful world. - The sun of know­ ledge and liberty is already high in the heavens - it is peeping into every dark nook and corner of the earth - and the African cannot be always excluded from its beams.