Go on, speak; go on, speak, I say. 'Christ, I think that you are unlike the Father.' He will answer: 'Show clearly, if you can, show clearly, I say, how you think I am unlike him!' Say something else: 'I think you were created.' Christ will answer you: 'If the testimony of two people is true (john 8:17), ought you not at least believe me and the Father who called me "begotten"?' 'I deny that you are good. ' And he will say: 'Let it happen to you in accordance with what you believe, so that 1 will not be good to you.' 'I don't think you are omnipotent.' He will answer: Then I can't forgive you your sins.' 'I call you a subordinate.' 'Why then do you seek freedom and forgiveness from one you think is subordinate and like a slave?' (fid. 2.13.108-112)
