8o Epilogue to Constantine the Great Date and publication. Lee’s play was first performed in early November 1683 (from Luttrelľs date, below), by the United Company at Drury Lane, with a Prologue by Otway and an Epilogue by D. The Prologue and Epilogue were first printed in a folio half sheet headed The Prologue and Epilogue, To the Last New Play; Constantine the Great (1683; MS date 12 November on Luttrelľs copy (Noyes)). Published by ‘C. Tebroc’ (i.e. ‘C. Corbet’; this disguised imprint is also found on A New Song (1682) against Shaftesbury (Wing N744B); for Corbet see also 11. 40-5«); this was probably a pirated edition deriving from a shorthand transcription in the theatre (J. H. Smith, P M L A lxviii (1953) 257-8«). Tonson subsequently published A True Coppy of the Epilogue to Constantine the Great. That which was first Published being false printed and surreptitious, a folio half sheet (1684; MS date 14 November 1683 on Luttrelľs copy (Noyes)). The Epilogue was also included in Lee’s Constantine the Great; A Tragedy (1684) published by Bentley and Tonson. The 1683 text has several errors; the 1684 folio text is followed here, emended at 1. 13 from the 1684 play text.