This chapter examines the notions of collocation, idiom and lexical phrase and discusses the implications of using these as a basis for describing modal-adverb expressions. The strength of attraction between selected combinations is tested through recourse to native and non-native speakers of English and a comparison of the results obtained informs the pedagogical proposals. These are by no means exhaustive and are merely intended to provide an outline exercise typology. For ease of reference, the major trends in modal, adverb co-occurrence are summarized in the form of a data profile. Modal-adverb combinations have been loosely called modal-adverb collocations or modal-adverb idioms. It takes a detailed look at the notions of collocation, idiom and lexical phrase to assess their relevance for the evaluation of modal-adverb phrases as prefabricated units of modal expression. Idioms and collocation do not account for all the regular and pervasive co-occurrence relationships found in language.