On 18 November 1918 the directory was overthrown by Admiral Kolchak, that veteran of some of the very earliest attempts at counterrevolution in the summer of 1917. Contrary to the verdict of its Bolshevik and White critics, the directory was overthrown not because it was on the point of collapse, but because it was on the point of success. The Ufa State Conference was a triumph for the Union for the Regeneration of Russia (URR). The URR was so successful at the Ufa State Conference not only because of the willingness of the Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs) to make crucial concessions, but also because of the state of crisis into which the Siberian government had descended in Omsk. For SRs like Komuch member I. Brushvit, who was in Omsk at the time, as well as for URR activists like L. A. Krol, also in Omsk, this agreement betrayed the Ufa accord.