Louis also abrogated to Suger the resolution of two episcopal elections. Odo of Deuil, Louis' chaplain and historian on the crusade, was chosen as the new abbot, with the full backing of both Louis and Suger. Odo was experienced in the imposition of reform, and had earned Louis' gratitude and affection in shared hardships on the crusade. The English succession was not the only point at issue between Louis and the Angevins. Once Geoffrey had control of Normandy, he turned his attention south of his Angevin lands, to northern Aquitaine. Geoffrey combined a subtle expansion of family influence with outright military aggression. In 1149, he ensured that his sister Matilda became abbess of the great border abbey of Fontevrault, to the fury of the bishop of Poitiers, who claimed the right to control the election. Besides, Suger was, as his friend Archbishop Hugh of Rouen wrote to him at some stage during the year, busy with many types of business'.