This chapter describes the story of William Rufus death and mentions the succession of Henry I. Suger wrote two works recording his activities as abbot of St-Denis. The Libellus de consecratione ecclesiae Sancti Dionysii is a short treatise on the building and consecration of the abbey church, written shortly after the consecration of the finished choir on 11 June 1144. When Suger was himself a very old man he began a biography of the new, young king Louis VII. The fragment contains a passage in which Suger compares the good fortune of the French kings, who always have heirs aplenty, with the unhappiness of the Germans, and the English, where political stability is jeopardised by the lack of a male heir. Louis shows fighting to protect other French ecclesiastical establishments, but he is not shown making donations to them. Most strikingly, there is no reference at all to Louis important new Cistercian foundation of Chaalis.