The draft in Nbk 11 is skipped by 'Misery. A Fragment' and so is presumably earlier than August 1819, although Mary S. dates the lines to 1822 in 1839 and 1840. Some details coincide with the description of scenery in S'. s letter to Peacock of 25 February 1819, quoted in the note to PU II ii 1-23. There was a little lawny islet by anemone and violet like mosaic, paven -And its roof was flowers and leaves. There is apparently a full stop after sea in e. 5, which must be an error. Altered from 'dead' in Nbk 6 and Pierpont Morgan; neither MS has a rhyme-word for 'dead'.38-45. 'Some might lament were the author to die, just as the author will lament the passing of this beautiful day; but whereas the author's passing will, like her life, cause others regret, the joy of this day will not cease with its passing, but will live again when remembered'.