This chapter focuses on Burns's concept of transformational leadership and flesh out its implications. It also explores James MacGregor Burns' concept of transformational leadership, specifically as delineated by Kouzes and Posner in their book The Leadership Challenge. Burns proposed transformational leadership helped both the leader and the follower reach their full potential and goals and to go beyond either of their immediate self-interests. Kouzes and Posner's work provides a ready access point to understand transformational leadership because it defines transformational leadership behaviorally rather than theoretically. The author's practices of transformational leadership is added to Athol Fugard's play 'Master Harold'. and the Boys, inspiring a shared vision, modeling the way, challenging the process, encouraging the heart, and enabling others to act. The transformational leadership affects the leader as well as the followers. And, finally, transformational leadership inspires both the leader and led to higher levels of motivation and morality.