This chapter focuses on the important question of how synergies emerge, and whether they can actively be managed. In order to consider the different methods of promoting synergy in knowledge locations, The chapter discusses and conceptualises the space-innovation nexus behind knowledge locations, alongside studies dealing with synergy management. It explores and exemplifies how the managers of six European knowledge locations implemented these synergy management approaches in their sites. The literature on territorial innovation models sheds light on the intricate linkages between innovation, networks and space, highlighting the type of synergies that may arise from co-location. The chapter presents four repertoires of synergy management strategy currently deployed for building synergies at extant knowledge locations are Designing for interaction, Managing the tenant mix, Sharing facilities, Promoting networks and communities. The chapter illustrates how managers and tenants in different knowledge locations attempt to use the four types of synergy management strategies and tools to create the desired synergetic effects.