Regardless of the coaches' entry point, an initial m eeting w ith the principal is in order. During this first meeting, content coaches find out about the principals' priorities for the school year and identify both formal and informal goals. In most cases, there are objectives that are w ritten dow n and others that are implied. These are equally im portant to know and understand. As instructional leaders, principals determ ine the schedules, allocate resources, and evaluate teacher perform ance based on their ow n philosophy of teaching and learning. Principals, along w ith curriculum specialists, generally determ ine w hat professional staff developm ent will be offered at the school. These responsibilities, along w ith the principal's personality, organization, and m anagem ent style will directly im pact the coaches' work. It is therefore essential that coaches and principals get acquainted on a professional level. Below are a few recom m ended questions coaches m ay ask their principals.