Parallel block scheduling (PBS) in the elementary language arts program provides a flexible setting in which teachers can group students for explicit instruction. Reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities are embedded across the language arts schedule in whole-class activities, small-group instruction, and extension work. This chapter describes one way to organize language arts in PBS to make optimal use of the teacher’s instructional time with the whole class and with small groups. To demonstrate how time is structured in PBS, extended examples will be provided of whole-class time during a week in Ms. Naylor’s third grade class, small-group lessons in Ms. Padilla’s 278fifth grade class, and extension time with Ms. Hope for one of the small groups from Mr. Edward’s fourth grade class. In addition, short examples will be provided for whole-class and small-group instruction at each grade level to describe instruction and grouping in each setting during the same week. Resources are listed for further information on specific techniques and materials.