This chapter looks at those who have taken the Stern line, that it is possible to take successful action to bring down carbon emissions to a level that could achieve stabilisation, with a rise in temperature limited to 2 degrees Celsius, and have described, in detail, transition plans for Europe and the UK. Nicholas Stern's programme for achieving these reductions is largely market driven, assisted by global agreement and national plans, but eschewing 'governmental controls and rigid planning'. The BLUE Map scenario is one of several scenarios developed by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and has been running for a number of years. In 2010, the independent European Climate Federation published an alternative roadmap for Europe, with input from a variety of organisations. The 2008 Climate Change Act also established the CCC to advise the government. It delivered its first report, 'Building a low carbon economy: the UK's contribution to tackling climate change', in December 2008.