This chapter explores the evolution of key developments within the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) process. It outlines important links between different lines of rationalizing global environmental governance. The chapter discusses the interplay between the CBD and the Green Economy efforts following the 2012 UNCED Conference in Rio de Janeiro. It provides a historical overview of the three phases of the CBD: exploring 'sustainable use'; ecosystem approach and the operationalization of 'sustainable use'; and 'Ecosystem services' as a new push towards mainstreaming biodiversity. The CBD has embarked upon a long and diverse process in trying to address the challenge of global biodiversity loss from the perspectives of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use as well as sharing benefits from the use of genetic resources. The gradual shift towards the stronger integration of economic and social perspectives into international biodiversity governance is mirrored in the negotiations around the development of the 'Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services' (IPBES).