This chapter presents the themes of play and mobile media. It suggests that the ethno-geographic is symptomatic of awkward entanglements between art and ethnography whereby the complexity of place has not been fully engaged. The notion of the geo-ethnographic takes the 'geo' as an important part in the imaginary of place that is entangled by the narratives of ethnography. This notion more fully addresses Doreen Massey's and Tim Ingold's definitions of place as multiple, contested and, ever-changing, and it is the geo-ethnographic that moves beyond the ethno-geographic to engage the ethics of ethnography. The open structure of the events encouraged participants-artists and local residents and otherwise-to apply their own individual cultural lenses in their imagining of identities of place. The artistic contributions could be described as a making public of conversations in process, both online and offline. The discursive aspect of curatorial work should be given parity with-rather than being perceived as contingent upon-the main event of staging exhibitions.