Once across the Diala River the 13th Army Corps was able to adopt an offensive role. The Corps Commander, Ihsan Bey, was one of the ablest of the Turkish generals, a man of great initiative, and quick to seize an opportunity. On April 6th the 7th Division advanced along the line to Sumaikcha, the enemy retiring before them, and on the 8th, Easter Sunday, the 28th Brigade occupied Beled station and village after a brisk action with the Turkish rearguard. On the 9th the advance was continued to Harbe. The resources of the supply train were very nearly exhausted. The column consumed 120 tons a day, and transport was wanting. The chapter deals with operations separately, concludes with the fighting on the Shatt-el-Adhaim. The last day in April marked the end of the operations during the hot weather in 1917.