A year or two of war in Mesopotamia dulls one’s sensitiveness to impressions. As soldiers entered Baghdad their thoughts should have been sweeping back through the cycle of history to Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander, Cyrus, Julian, the Chosroes, Haroun-al-Raschid. The Afrits fled before practicality to the nth; ghosts abdicated, legends were dissolved in fact. In vain on the day before their entry did the Osmanli destroy the Bab-el-Kilissim, through which the conquering Murad rode, and which he blocked behind him lest others should follow to victory in his steps. They were fixing a memorable link in the continuity of history when they rode into Baghdad, but it is the most difficult thing in the world to associate what is familiar with what is great. Romance flies before revelation. They noticed that the hand of the Turkish Government had lain heavy on the people of the city.