Alejo Carpentier, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Jose de la Cuadra, Demetrio Aguilera Malta, and Alicia Yanez Cossio use the discourse of realismo maravilloso in their works. Although narrative techniques have developed gradually from the 1930s on, nevertheless all of these writers have as a common preoccupation expressing in fiction the multifaceted and complex aspects of Latin American reality. Writers in Latin America try to express the relationship between society and literature, but as Octavio Paz tells us in One Earth, Four or Five Worlds: The relationship between society and literature is not one of cause and effect. The development of marvelous realism is shown both in narrative techniques and in social implications. Realismo maravilloso allows to be treated in literature, as extratextual referent, the numerous Latin American cultural elements referred to as "contexts" by Alejo Carpentier: racial, economic, chthonian, political, bourgeois, geographical, cultural, culinary, luminous, ideological.