From a brief description of the methodologies and conclusions of three research projects undertaken by the author, a number of issues emerge which assists people to assemble more complete accounts of various aspects of the school discipline problem. The first vignette describes the ‘Evaluation of the Good Shepherd Youth and Family Service Education Unit’. The terms of reference for the evaluation included an action research project to identify the ‘Educational Needs of 13–15 Year Olds’ from inner-city Melbourne. The second collection of ‘stories’ is gathered from within the ‘Learning Initiatives to Include All Students in the Regular Classroom’ project. Finally, this chapter includes some observations arising from the evaluation of the Care Program at the Baysland Community College in Brisbane. It extracts ‘stories’ about schools from three research projects undertaken across quite different contexts. The chapter takes up the challenge of responding to disruption by summarizing this approach and attempting some recommendations for future directions in discipline policy-making.