This chapter focuses on detecting and preventing a particular subset of behaviors termed identity-based bullying. Identity-based bullying is used to describe any form of bullying related to the characteristics considered unique to a child's actual or perceived social identity. The chapter describes the theoretical approaches that lay the foundation for examination of identity-based bullying. It utilizes a social constructivist framework that provides a deeper understanding of the impact of identity-based bullying on children's identity development. It also explore how cultural factors including media, social policies, and public discourses, impact the development and reinforcement of identity-based bullying, and explains educational laws, policies, and structure in both the U.S. and the U.K., focusing in particular on those issues that impact identity-based bullying. The most common challenges psychologists, researchers, school administrators, and teachers might face are described while attempting to address identity-based bullying. The chapter provides recommendations for best practices in addressing identity-based bullying.