Information technology outsourcing (ito) and, more recently, business process outsourcing (BPO) have received considerable practitioner and academic attention. Outsourcing, whether of IT or business processes, onshore or off-shore, continues to raise expectations and pose challenges for private and public sector organizations alike. The Outsourcing Life Cycle Model consists of four phases: architect, engage, operate, and regenerate. The Architect Phase, where the foundation for outsourcing is laid, consists of the first four building blocks - investigate, target, strategize, design. The Engage Phase, where one or more suppliers are selected and the deal is negotiated, consists of the fifth and sixth building blocks - select and negotiate. The Operate Phase is where the deal is put in place, operationalized, and managed through its term. The Regenerate Phase, where next-generation options are assessed, consists of one building block: refresh. Following this phase, the life cycle begins anew, returning to the Architect Phase, where the organization prepares for its next-generation deal(s).