Colourscapes are hand-tailored from flexible vinyl sheet, 0.25 mm thick, coloured red, green, blue, yellow and opaque neutral grey, specially made in collaboration with the industrial chemist of the manufacturing company. In Colourscape, colour is used to make space active, to make ambiguous space beyond measurement. Colourscape can be described as a holon, simultaneously parts and wholes. With careful observation visitors notice that a colour changes by simultaneous contrast to an adjoining colour: complementary colours reinforce each other and where they meet there is a mix at the meeting edge caused by a spreading effect of the colours into each other. The Colourscape environment offers visitors a chance to create their own experience from sense inputs stimulating personal feelings. Group workshops in Colourscapes have explored colour associations to sound, shape and feelings and it is surprising how much agreement there is between individuals. Through ceremonies and habits, different cultures can influence how colours are seen, by that particular group.