Are emotions becoming more conspicuous in contemporary life? Are the social sciences undergoing an an 'affective turn'? This Reader gathers influential and contemporary work in the study of emotion and affective life from across the range of the social sciences. Drawing on both theoretical and empirical research, the collection offers a sense of the diversity of perspectives that have emerged over the last thirty years from a variety of intellectual traditions. Its wide span and trans-disciplinary character is designed to capture the increasing significance of the study of affect and emotion for the social sciences, and to give a sense of how this is played out in the context of specific areas of interest. The volume is divided into four main parts:

  • universals and particulars of affect
  • embodying affect
  • political economies of affect
  • affect, power and justice.

Each main part comprises three sections dedicated to substantive themes, including emotions, history and civilization; emotions and culture; emotions selfhood and identity; emotions and the media; emotions and politics; emotions, space and place, with a final section dedicated to themes of compassion, hate and terror. Each of the twelve sections begins with an editorial introduction that contextualizes the readings and highlights points of comparison across the volume. Cross-national in content, the collection provides an introduction to the key debates, concepts and modes of approach that have been developed by social scientist for the study of emotion and affective life.

part |118 pages

Universals and particulars of affect

part |33 pages

Emotions, history and civilization

chapter |5 pages

From Passions to Emotions

chapter |9 pages

On Changes in Aggressiveness

chapter |8 pages

The Politics of Agoraphobia

chapter |7 pages

Historical Issues in Emotions Research

Causation and timing

part |42 pages

Emotions and culture

chapter |9 pages

Engendered Emotion

Gender, power, and the rhetoric of emotional control in American discourse

chapter |11 pages

Against Constructionism

The historical ethnography of emotions

chapter |9 pages

Feeling and Thinking in Memory and Forgetting

Toward an ethnohistory of the emotions

part |40 pages

Emotions and society

chapter |5 pages

Emotion and Social Life

A symbolic interactionist analysis

chapter |5 pages

Power, Status, and Emotions

A sociological contribution to a psychophysiological domain

part |117 pages

Embodying affects

part |37 pages

Emotions, selfhood and identity

chapter |5 pages

Revisions in Script Theory

chapter |6 pages

Cool Rules

Anatomy of an attitude

chapter |8 pages

True Feelings, the Self, and Authenticity

A psychosocial perspective

chapter |5 pages

Self-Consciousness in Shame

The role of the ‘other'

part |24 pages

Emotions, space and place

chapter |4 pages

Intensities of Feeling

Towards a spatial politics of affect

chapter |5 pages

Inequalities of the Heart

The performance of emotion work by lesbian and bisexual women in London, England

chapter |8 pages

Automotive Emotions

Feeling the car

chapter |4 pages

Domestic Geographies of Affect

part |53 pages

Emotions and Health

chapter |8 pages

The Expressive Body

Common ground for the sociology of emotions and health and illness

chapter |9 pages

Portrayals of Suffering

On looking away, looking at, and the comprehension of illness experience

chapter |14 pages

Metaphors our Bodyminds Live by

Culture, images, and imagination

chapter |6 pages

The Work of Antidepressants

Preliminary notes on how to build an alliance between feminism and psychopharmacology

chapter |12 pages

Disorders Without Borders?

The expanding scope of psychiatric practice

part |95 pages

Political economies of affect

part |37 pages

Emotion in work and organizations

chapter |12 pages

Challenging Racial Silences in Studies of Emotion Work

Contributions from anti-racist feminist theory

chapter |7 pages

The Caring–Killing Paradox

Euthanasia-related strain among animal-shelter workers

chapter |8 pages

Managing Emotions in Medical School

Students' contacts with the living and the dead

part |22 pages

Emotions, economics and consumer culture

chapter |4 pages

A Theory of Shopping

chapter |4 pages

Investing in Emotion

Love and anger in financial advertising

chapter |6 pages

Emotions and Economic Theory

part |33 pages

Emotions and the media

chapter |8 pages

“Chav Mum Chav Scum”

Class disgust in contemporary Britain

chapter |8 pages

Talking Alone

Reality TV, emotions and authenticity

chapter |7 pages

The Mood Cue Approach

part |100 pages

Affect, power and justice

part |35 pages

Emotions and politics

chapter |9 pages

A Museum of Hope

A Story of Robben Island

chapter |9 pages

Rock the Boat, don't Rock the Boat, Baby

Ambivalence and the Emergence of Militant AIDS Activism

part |31 pages

Emotions and law

chapter |5 pages

Sensitive New-Age Laws

The reassertion of emotionality in law

chapter |6 pages

Affective Versus Effective Justice

Instrumentalism and emotionalism in criminal justice

chapter |7 pages

Make-Believe Papers, Legal Forms and the Counterfeit

Affective interactions between documents and people in Britain and Cyprus

part |30 pages

Compassion, hate, and terror

chapter |5 pages

A Lexicon of Terror

Argentina and the legacies of torture

chapter |5 pages

Compassion (and Withholding)

chapter |4 pages

Violence, Mourning, Politics

chapter |6 pages

Emotional Contagion

Religious and Ethnic Hatreds and Global Terrorism

chapter |6 pages

The Compassionate Temperament