Some accountants have become aware of Professor Scotts ideas through his work The Cultural Significance of Accounts. D. R. Scott, The Cultural Significance of Accounts. Scott's major academic interests lay in two areas separate in nature but closely interrelated within his general philosophy. These areas were a philosophical understanding of economic and social problems and the development of accounting, particularly accounting principles. The basis of his theoretical formulations in both of these areas is presented in his major work The Cultural Significance of Accounts. To Scott mediaeval civilisation was such a time of relative equilibrium. As an institutionalist Scott believed firmly in the evolution of human society. In Scotts view, diametrically-opposing forces are at work during a transitional period. It should be emphasised that Scott was both anti-fascist and anti-communistic. To Scott, the management of large-scale enterprise was fast becoming a forward-looking, policy-type management. In Scotts view there were two possible approaches to an orientation course.