Temporalities layer upon, transect and inscribe one another along a coastline that is no timeless landscape, but an ecology that is, precisely, in and of time: a port-scape of human, animal and mineral freights, of multiple occupations and arrivals; of natural and unnatural excrescences; historical and asynchronous, living and dead. The traditional historical potentialities poetry, religion, philosophy which from both the Hegelo-Kojevian and Heideggerian perspectives kept the historic-political destiny of peoples awake, have long since been transformed into cultural spectacles and private experiences, and have lost all historical efficacy. Genome, global economy, and humanitarian ideology are the three united faces of this process in which posthistorical humanity seems to take its own physiology as it last, impolitical mandate. Minerals and metals, swathed in heavy thicknesses of plastic intended to reassure the squeamish or fearful, are carried through the city of Fremantle on their way to the sea.