This chapter discusses Jean Bernard's publication and activities in Luxembourg, which enable a better understanding of his vision and his approach towards cinema. The chapter explains his programmatic articles in publications such as Luxemburger Volk, the weekly journal of the Catholic Volksverein, the influential Catholic daily newspaper Luxemburger Wort and the intellectual journal Academia. These writings follow the thinking and the philosophy of his mentor Abel Brohee, as well as those promulgated by Pope Pius XI in his 1936 Encyclical Vigilante cura. The International Catholic Organization for Cinema (OCIC) was co-founded in 1928 by the Belgian canon Abel Brohee. This organization, which existed until 2001 when it merged into SIGNIS in November of that year. The chapter describes his attempt to practically implement his ideas and project in Luxembourg. In 1959, Bernard devoted a long article to the question of moral classifications, explaining their philosophy and the processes of setting them.