This chapter examines the relationship between racial ignorance and different kinds of dysfunctions and epistemic injustices such as unequal access to and participation in knowledge practices, vitiated testimonial dynamics, and patterns of misinterpretation and distortion. It elucidates what counts as epistemic resistance, exploring how individuals and groups living under conditions of racial oppression can use their epistemic resources and abilities to undermine and change oppressive structures and the complacent cognitive-affective functioning that sustains those structures. The chapter discusses how epistemic violence can be fought on the grounds, in daily activities, through micro-practices of resistance. It identifies epistemic insurrectionary practices of all sorts that interrupt and disrupt the established epistemic economy of a society and its practices and institutions. There are insurrectionary practices that target oppressive epistemic presumptions and dynamics in public and private life, in education, in the media, in film and art, in public policy, in linguistic habits, in communicative dynamics, and in the protocols and procedures of institutions.