This chapter provides an overview of the technical and operational details of the guided-missile frigates. The types of the guided-missile frigates includes Amazon or Type 21 class FFG, Chengdu class FFG, Fatahillah class FFG, Ishikari class FFG, Lupo class FFG and Peder Skram class FFG. Bremen or Type 122 class FFG is the West German CODOG version of the Dutch Kortenaer class gas turbine frigate design, advanced features include full NBC protection and a Prairie/Masker bubble system for the hull and propellers to reduce the level of radiated noise. Descubierta class FFG class is based on the Portuguese Joao Coutinho class frigate, with diesel propulsion for greater reliability and range, and revised armament and sensor fits offering a nice balance between anti-ship, anti-submarine and anti-aircraft capabilities. Inhauma or V-28 class FFG is a capable patrol design using the best of imported systems and weapons.