Advances have been made in recent years in developing networks and databases for monitoring water systems in South Africa. In this study, an Integrated Catchment Monitoring (ICM) mind map was developed to include guidelines and recommendations on the minimum monitoring requirements (e.g., site selection, type of variables, space and time frequency, methodologies, data handling and quality assurance, input data requirements for models), as well as essential information and sources (e.g., available databases, roles and responsibilities in monitoring). The user-friendly ICM mind map was written in the open source software FreeMind v. 0.9.0. The application of the ICM mind map and the benefits of comprehensive monitoring were demonstrated in the pilot catchment of the Sandspruit River, a seasonal tributary of the Berg River (South Africa). The ICM mind map was used to assess monitoring gaps, to expand the monitoring network (weather monitoring, hydrometry, vadose-zone profiling, geophysical and isotope studies) and to quantify the water balance. The combination of monitoring and modelling of all water-cycle components proved to be a powerful tool. The main target users of the ICM mind map are water management boards and similar institutions.