The southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico form an arid region of immense natural and cultural beauty, rich indigenous agricultural traditions and among the greatest food security challenges in North America. Recognition of the accelerating erosion of the region's unique cultural and agricultural diversity led to the formation of Native Seeds/SEARCH in 1983 by a dedicated team of private citizens. Native Seeds/SEARCH draws its financial support from many directions. It operates as a member-supported nongovernmental organization (NGO), and contributions from members and non-members alike account for about a third of its revenue. Several successful past and current projects demonstrate the breadth of Native Seeds/SEARCH's activities and impact. Native Seeds/SEARCH was also instrumental in establishing a botanical reserve in Arizona dedicated to the in-situ preservation of wild chilies, the first reserve of its kind in the United States. It also founded the Traditional Native American Farmers' Association, which networks and supports the work of Native farmers in the United States.