And sayth that he had forgotten the other. Within a litIe while after, naming his frendes that he had seene slaine in battell before his eyes, he fetched a greater sigh then before: specially, when he came to name Labio, and Flavius,2 of the which the one was his Lieutenant, and the other, Captaine of the pioners of his campe. In the meane time, one of the companie being a thirst, and seeing Brutus a thirst also: he ranne to the river for water, and brought it in his sallet. At the selfe same time they heard a noyse on the other side of the river. Whereupon Volumnius tooke Dardanus, Brutus servaunt with him, to see what it was: and returning straight againe, asked if there were any water left. Brutus smiling, gentlie tolde them all was dronke, but they shall bring you some more. Thereuppon he sent him againe that went for water before, who was in great daunger of being taken by the enemies, and hardly scaped, being sore hurt. Furthermore, Brutus thought that there was no great number of men slaine in battell, and to know the trueth of it, there was one called Statilius, that promised to goe through his enemies (for otherwise it was impossible to goe see their camp e) and from thence if all were well, that he woulde lift up a torche light in the ayer, and then returne againe with speede to him. The torche light was lift up as he had promised, for Statilius went thither. Nowe Brutus seeing Statilius tarie long after that, and that he came not againe, he sayd: If Statilius be alive, he will come againe. But his evill fortune was suche, that as he came backe, he lighted in his enemies hands, and was slaine.3 Now, the night being farre spent, Brutus as he sate bowed towards Clitus one of his men, and told him somewhat in his eare, the other aunswered him not, but fell a weeping.4 Thereupon he proved Dardanus, and sayd somwhat also to him5 : at length he came to Volumnius him selfe, and speaking to him in Gneke, prayed him for the studies sake which brought them acquainted together, that he woulde helpe him to put his hande to his sword, to thrust it in him to kill him. Volumnius denied his request,6 and so did many others: and amongest the rest, one of them sayd, there was no tarying for them there. but that they must needes £lie.7 Then Brutus rising up,s We must £lie in deede sayd he,

but it must be with our hands, not with our feete. Then taking every man by the hand, he sayd these words unto them with a cheerefull countenance: It rejoyceth my hart that not one of my frends hath failed me at my neede, and I do not complaine of my fortune, but only for my contries sake: for, as for me, I thinke my selfe happier than they that have overcome, considering that I leave a perpetuall fame of our corage and manhoode, the which our enemies the conquerors shall never attaine unto by force nor money, neither can let their posteritie to say, that they being naughtie and unjust men, have slaine good men, to USUrpe tyrannical power not pertaining to them. Having sayd so, he prayed everie man to shift for them selves, and then he went a litle aside with two or three only, among the which Strato was one, with whom he came first acquainted by the studie of Rethoricke. He came as neere to him as he coulde, and taking his sword by the hilts with both his hands, and falling downe upon the poynt of it, ran him selfe through.1 Others say, that not he, but Strato 2 (at his request) held the sword in his hand, and turned his head aside, and that Brutus fell downe upon it: and so ranne him selfe through, and dyed presently. Messala, that had bene Brutus great frend, became afterwards Octavius Cresars frend. So, shortly after, Cresar being at good leasure, he brought Strato, Brutus frende unto him, and weeping sayd 3: Cresar, beholde, here is he that did the last service to my Brutus. Cresar welcomed him at that time, and afterwards he did him as faithfull service in all his affaires, as any Grrecian els he had about him, untill the batten of Actium. It is reported also, that this Messala him selfe aunswered Cresar one day, when he gave him great praise before his face, that he had fought valliantlie, and with great affection for him, at the battell of Actium: (notwithstanding that he had bene his cruell enemy before, at the batten of Philippes, for Brutus sake) I ever loved, sayd he, to take the best and justest parte.4 Now, Antonius having found Brutus bodie, he caused it to be wrapped up in one of the richest cote armors he had. 6 Afterwards also, Antonius understanding that this cote armor was stollen, he put the theefe to death that had stollen it, and sent the ashes of his bodie unto Servilia his mother. And for Porcia, Brutus wife: Nicolaus the Philosopher, and Valerius Maximus doe wryte, that she determining to kin her selfe (her parents and frendes carefulIie looking to her to kepe her from it) tooke hotte burning coles,

and cast them into her mouth, and kept her mouth so close, that she choked her selfe.1 There was a letter of Brutus found wrytten to his frendes, complayning of their negligence, that his wife being sicke, they would not helpe her, but suffred her to kill her selfe, choosing to dye, rather then to languish in paine. Thus it appeareth, that Nicolaus knewe not well that time, sith the letter (at the least if it were Brutus letter) doth plainly declare the disease and love of this Lady, and also the maner of her death.